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NC 500 side trip: Corrieshalloch Gorge

Located just off the A835 Highway South, Corrieshalloch Gorge is a must see item on the agenda of anybody visiting the Highlands region of Scotland. A quick ten minutes drive south of Ullapool, the national park, walking trails and forest garden surrounding the gorge are well worth a quick detour on your way back to Innvernesse. In the latter leg of your Northern 500 journey, this walk will both reward your senses and stretch your legs for the final push south.


Corrieshalloch Gorge is located about 15 km due south out of Ullapool. The site itself is poorly signposted - to reach it, you want to drive south from Ullapool until you reach the tiny intersection of the A835 and A832 motorways. Take a left turn onto thee A832 and follow the road down the gentle hill until you see a gravel carpark on your right. The gorge, suspension bridge and walking trails are all easily accessible from here. NB; definitely make the parking fee donation upon entry, as this helps with maintenance of the area.


Take the first gate to your right after arrival - this will lead you directly own through a series of switchbacks to the suspension bridge that overhands the gorge. The sheer sound of the rushing river and series of waterfalls below will greet you long before you catch sight of the swinging bridge - make your way there and then slowly clamber across the bridge - be warned, it can only carry 6 people at a time.

After crossing the bridge and taking in the spellbinding sight of the rapids below, make your way along the pathway immediately to your left upon crossing - this will lead you through a lovely forest-lined pathway to a viewing platform not 5 minutes away. After reaching this, glance back at the way you’ve come - now the sheer precariousness of the bridge will be cast in a brighter light - golly gosh, that thing is held up by absolutely nothing.

Now, make your way back to the bridge, and after crossing it, take the path to your right. This will lead you back to the carpark in a different direction, and take you through a tree-lined causeway past tiny waterfalls, steep cliff-sides and eventually back up to where you started. Easy, huh?

Any queries? I absolutely hope so - fire away down below!